Hours: 10 AM – 1 PM Every Tuesday

Our pantry, “Breckenridge/Hemlock/Merrill/Wheeler (BHMW) Area Food Pantry,” was established thirty years ago. It is located at the Breckenridge United Methodist Church, 125 Third Street, Breckenridge, MI 48615. Since our pantry is located in the Breckenridge United Methodist Church, this qualifies us to operate under Section 501(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We are governed by a “Ministerial Board*” made up of many denominations of our geographical area. The Ministerial Board meets monthly. We also belong to the Gratiot Hunger Network, operating under the USDA Guidelines. This network meets bimonthly to discuss and work on issues and needs that families are facing in Gratiot County. We participate with the Grater Lansing Food Bank.
We serve families in need of food assistance which encompasses the Breckenridge, Hemlock, Merrill and Wheeler geographical area. We are a food pantry only, and all workers are volunteers. We are open ever Tuesday of the month from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. We serve 25-40 families per month. We are an equal opportunity provider. Our requirements include an ID and Bridge Card, if they have one. Families may come every 60 days or six times per year. The amount of food given out depends upon the size of a family, and they receive enough food to last about seven days. Along with the food given, we add paper products, personal care items, laundry soap and frozen meat.
*The MINISTERIAL BOARD is comprised of ministers from all of the churches listed below:
Amazing Grace Church
Breckenridge United Methodist Church
Brethren in Christ Church
Countryside United Brethren in Christ
Edgewood Church of God
First Congregational Church Breckenridge
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Merrill Congregational church
Merrill Wesleyan Church
Porter/Wheeler Free Methodist Church
Saint John XXIII Parish.
St. John Lutheran Church