Following Governor Whitmer and Bishop Bard’s recent messages, BUMC will be temporary shutting down in-person activities and in-person worship for three weeks (now through Dec. 8th). After the three weeks, church leaders will reevaluate. We are encouraging everyone to stay home and stay safe. THERE HAVE BEEN NO CASES OF COVID IN THE CHURCH BUILDING. We are just trying to be responsible leaders and be part of the solution in flattening the rising Covid curve in our state. Call the church office (989-842-3632) and leave a message if you need anything. Either Michele (Tuesdays) or the Pastor will return your call. You may also call the Pastor at 810-241-3160. Remember the church office will also be closed at this time. However, Michele will be in the office on Tuesdays to return calls, answer emails, etc. If you need to talk to the church treasurer (Carin), please call her at 989-297-0381.

Tuesday Food Pantry and Saturday AA Group will continue to meet under our current guidelines with limited staffing.

Online worship service will continue and it will be posted on Facebook and the church website ( The service will be recorded from both Breckenridge and St. Louis churches, alternating weekly between the two churches. Our goal for alternating between recording at each church, is to limit the number of individuals helping each week with the online worship.

God’s Blessing