The Church Council exists to create and supervise the strategic plan of our congregation. The work of the Church Council is to evaluate, plan, implement and annually evaluate the congregation’s ministry and mission. We feel our members represent the character and population of our congregation.

Our Church Council Members are:

Chairman – Dave Stoneman
Pastor – Billie Lou Gillespie
Finance Committee – Nancy Shankel Federspiel
Trustees – Ray Rohn
Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee – Lesha Colthorp
Outreach Committee – Karen Rohn
United Methodist Women – Sharon Howie
Worship Committee – Joyce Short
Lay Leader – Angie Sherwood
Young Adult Representative – Lacie Shelley
At-Large Member – Dave Briggs
Church Treasurer – Carin SanMiguel
Secretary – Nancy Gee

The Book of Discipline states the Church Council is the executive agency of the charge conference. This means that between meetings of the charge conference, the Church Council is the group of leaders that guides and furthers the ministry of the congregation.

We work to become better leaders, create goals and encourage programs that coincide with the goals we set for the year.  Our Church Council will act on concerns or authorize requests brought to us by our various committees and groups.